Energy and Infrastructure
Services offered:
Real estate and Telecommunications
- Advising sponsors and funds on the trust and corporate aspects of their real estate acquisitions and equity raisings
- Acting for funds on debt financings
- Acting for investors on their investments in infrastructure and real estate funds
- Advising on roof top solar projects
- Advising on acquisition and disposal of onshore wind farms
- Advising on long-term wind turbine maintenance agreements
Oil and gas
- Advising on foundation documents, gas sale agreements, oil pipeline capacity agreements
- Advising on procurement and cost-recovery
- Advising on governance
Transport (rail, road, buses)
- Advising on maintenance and supply agreements
- Advising on acquisitions and disposals

Representative Experience
- Acting for a US investor on its investment in an Australian telco infrastructure fund
- Acting for the operator of a large hydrocarbon project in the former Soviet Union. Over a nine-year period, this included site visits to the project, advising on legal issues related to new plant infrastructure and maintenance, procurement and cost recovery audits
- Acting for a number of property funds supporting their real estate acquisitions and financings
- Acting for a windfarm operator on the sale of interests in its wind farm and advising on long-term maintenance agreements for wind turbines and other infrastructure